

伯好洁 2024-10-14 生活百科 6 次浏览 0个评论
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2004年华北电力大学博士毕业;2005年清华大学博士后出站后留校任教至今,2008年任副教授。IEEE Member, 中国电机工程学会员。国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者,获2007年度全国百篇优秀博士论文提名。2013-2014为加州理工学院访问。主要研究方向为电力系统电磁环境、电磁场理论及其应用。主持国家自然科学基金4项、“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题1项,国际合作项目1项,973项目子课题1项,参加973项目子课题1项,参加自然科学基金重点项目2项。成果获省部级科技一等奖1项、二等奖2项、三等奖多项,发表第一作者SCI论文20篇,合作发表SCI论文近50篇,合作出版英文专著1部,作为主要工作组成员完成CIGRE技术报告1份,已授权发明专利10余项。 2003.10—2005.6 清华大学电机系 博士后、助理研究员 2005.7—2008.12 清华大学电机系 助理研究员 2008.12至今 清华大学电机系 副教授 2013.8—2014.8 加州理工学院工程与应用科学系 访问2013年国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者2007年度全国百篇优秀博士论文提名
2014.1~2016.12,国家自然科学基金委员会/优秀青年科学基金,电力系统电磁环境机理和数值仿真 2013.1~2016.12,自然科学基金,冲击大电流下考虑土壤参数频变与时变的大型接地装置特性与模型研究 2011.1~2015.12,973子课题,电晕电流测试方法及无线电干扰本征特性研究 2011.12-2012.6,LS Cable & System Ltd,The research on the electromagnetic environmental design of the HVDC overhead transmission 2012.10-2013.12,南方电网公司,南方电网变电站、换流站电磁环境普测与标准修订 2012.1-2014.12,国家电网公司,±1100千伏特高压直流输电线路电磁环境试验研究 2011.7-2012.12,广东电科院,变电站接地网入地电流特性及接地网评价方法研究
1、专著1)Jinliang He, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, Methodology and Technology for Power System Grounding, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012. First Edition.2)参编CIGRE JWG B4/C3/B2.50工作组报告:Electric Field and Ion Current Environment of HVDC Overhead Transmission Lines. 2011.82、期刊论文选(2010以来)1)Bo Zhang, Yukuan Jiang, Jinpeng Wu, Jinliang He. Influence of Potential Difference within Large Grounding Grid on Fault Current Division Factor. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2014, 29(4): 1752-1759. 2)Bo Zhang, Wei Li, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng. Analysis of ion flow field of UHV/EHV AC transmission lines. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2013, 20(2): 496-504 3)Bo Zhang, Han Yin, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng. Computation of Ion-Flow Field Near the Metal Board House Under the HVDC Bipolar Transmission Line. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013, 28(2): 1233-12344)Bo Zhang, Wei Li, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng. Study on the field effects under reduced-scale DC/AC hybrid transmission lines. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2013, 7(7): 717-723. 5)Bo Zhang, Jinpeng Wu, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng. Analysis of Transient Performance of Grounding System Considering Soil Ionization by Time Domain Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2013, 49(5): 1837-18406)Zhang Bo, He Jinliang, Zeng Rong, Chen Shuiming. Effect of Grounding System on Electromagnetic Fields Around Building Struck by Lightning. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2010, 46(8): 2955-2958 7)Zhang Bo, He Jinliang, Zeng Rong, Liang Xidong. Voltage distribution along a long ceramic insulator string in a high-voltage tower window. Compel-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2010, 29(3): 811-823.8)Zhen Li, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He. Influence of wave propagation process on measurement of corona current. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2014, 21(1): 201-208. 9)Zhen Li, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, Yongsheng Xu. Influence of gap spacing on the characteristics of Trichel pulse generated in point-to-plane discharge gaps. Phys. Plasmas, 2014, 21(1):**)Zhen Li, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He. Specific characteristics of negative corona currents generated in short point-plane gap. Physics of Plasmas, 2013, 20(9): **)Han Yin, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He and Chijie Zhuang. Modeling of Trichel Pulses in the Negative Corona on a Line-to-plane Geometry. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014, 50(2): )Han Yin, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He and Wenzhuo Wang. Measurement of positive direct current corona pulse in coaxial wire-cylinder gap. Physics of Plasmas. 2014, 21(3): 032116 13)Han Yin, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He and Wenzhuo Wang. Restriction of Ion-Flow Field Under HVDC Transmission Line by Installing Shield Wire. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013, 28(3): 1890-189814)H. Yin, B. Zhang, J. He, R. Zeng, R. Li. Time-domain finite volume method for ion-flow field analysis of bipolar high-voltage direct current transmission lines. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2012, 6(8): 785-79115)Jinpeng Wu, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng. Optimal design of tower footing device with combined vertical and horizontal grounding electrodes under lightning. Electric Power Systems Research, 2014, 113: 188–195 16)Shuai Zhang, Bo Zhang and Jinliang He. Comparison of direct current and 50?Hz alternating current microscopic corona characteristics on conductors. Phys. Plasmas 2014, 21(6): **)Y. S. Zheng, B. Zhang, J. L. He. Onset conditions for positive direct current corona discharges in air under the action of photoionization. Physics of Plasmas, 2011, 18(12): 123503.18)Li Wei, Zhang Bo, Zeng Rong, He Jinliang. Discussion on the Deutsch Assumption in the Calculation of Ion-Flow Field Under HVDC Bipolar Transmission Lines. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2010, 25(4): 2759-2767. 19)Li Wei, Zhang Bo, Zeng Rong, He Jinliang. Dynamic Simulation of Surge Corona With Time-Dependent Upwind Difference Method. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2010, 46(8): 3109-311220)张波,薛惠中,金祖山,余绍锋,吴锦鹏. 遭受雷击时输电杆塔及其接地装置的暂态电位分布. 高电压技术,2013,39(2): 393-398 21)张波,蒋愉宽,杨建军,李晓峰,陈水明. 接地材料对大型水电站接地阻抗的影响. 高电压技术,2013,39(4): 964-969 22)张波,薛惠中,张宝全,宗驰,范子超. 雷击风机时叶片和塔筒对接地装置冲击接地特性的影响. 高电压技术, 2012,38(10):2675-268223)张波, 吴锦鹏, 肖红, 范荣全, 朱健, 黄晓明. 变电站内短路电流分流系数影响因素分析. 高电压技术, 2012, 38(3): 720-72824)张波, 李伟. 特、超高压交、直流并行输电线路周围混合电场的测量方法. 高电压技术, 2012, 38(9): 2157-2162 25)张波,袁智勇. 影响电磁混响室辐射抗扰度测试结果重复性的因素分析. 高电压技术, 2011, 37(10): 2575-258026)张波,余绍锋,孔维政,何金良. 接地装置雷电冲击特性的大电流试验分析. 高电压技术, 2011, 37(3): 548-553 27)张波,李伟,袁智勇. 采用替代法的电磁混响室辐射发射测试. 高电压技术, 2011, 37(12): 2885-2890 28)张波,李伟. 混响室接收天线校准系数和插入损耗测试分析. 高电压技术, 2010, 36(3): 637-642 29)李谦,张波,蒋愉宽,肖磊石. 变电站内短路电流暂态过程及其影响因素. 高电压技术,2014, 40(7): 1986-1993.30)尹晗,张波,李敏,刘磊,何金良. 直流输电线路电晕损失数值计算方法. 高电压技术,2013,39(6): 1331-133631)吴锦鹏,张波,蒋愉宽,曾嵘,何金良. 基于相分量模型的变电站短路电流分流系数计算. 中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(1): 122-13032)杨彬,张波. 试验线段无线电干扰试测量方法仿真分析. 高电压技术, 2011, 37(12): 2978-29833、授权专利1)张波,等. 接地装置工频接地电阻测量的扫频测试方法及其测试仪, 国家发明专利, CNB, 2013/112)张波,等. 交直流并行输电线路地面电场测量系统及其测量方法, 国家发明专利, CNB, 2010/12

